Oral Health

27 May 2021 12:43 PM | Deleted user

If you’ve started looking into the new EYFS or you’ve been on any of our training over the last few weeks you’ve probably wondered about oral health and the requirement for settings to include and promote it. In this blog we’ll take a short look at what that might look like in settings.

Government guidance says that oral health has been included in the EYFS because:

“Nearly a quarter of 5 year olds in England have tooth decay, with 3 or 4 teeth affected on average. Tooth extraction is one of the most common procedures for children under 6 in hospital. Extraction is also the most common reason for hospital admission for children aged 6 to 10. Children from more deprived backgrounds are more likely to have tooth decay.

Children who have toothache, or need treatment, may have pain or infections. This can have a wider effect and lead to problems eating, sleeping, socialising and learning.”

It is therefore important that the early experiences a child receives in your setting promotes oral health in a positive way. These early experiences can have long term impact and will help children understand the importance of keeping their mouth healthy. Obviously as early years practitioners you are well placed to meet these needs.

Part of your role will involve investigating, along with the children, mouths and teeth and how to treat them well, promoting good cleaning and eating habits and ‘normalising’ dentist visits.  It’s important that children understand that the dentist is someone to trust who takes care of them and their personal health and hygiene.  

It doesn’t mean that you have to have a teeth cleaning programme. Some settings may chose to - although be mindful of current Covid guidance that you should only be dry brushing. It does mean that you should be making and taking opportunities to talk about oral health and to promote all the elements (including tooth brushing) that support it.

Here is some helpful government advice on how you can promote it with additional useful links below - https://help-for-early-years-providers.education.gov.uk/get-help-to-improve-your-practice/oral-health 

We are looking into training to see if there are any local providers who could deliver something to support practitioners - we’ll let you know how we get on! In the meantime you could:

  • keep on promoting healthy food choices that support oral health,
  • make learning interactive and encourage the children to get hands on cleaning the teeth of your toys,
  • have books and activities available around teeth cleaning and dentists, and
  • consider how you may improve parents awareness so that what you do in setting is reinforced at home.

Additional information/resources:




This site has some good infographics that you can share on your social media: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/health-matters-child-dental-health/health-matters-child-dental-health

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