Useful Information

Here you will find other avenues of support and information to help you make good and informed educational choices for you and your family.

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

The Early Years Foundation Stage covers the period in a child’s life from birth to 5, where children are learning through play and setting their foundations for future outcomes. All early years settings have to, by law, follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework in order to fully support children’s learning and developmental needs.

The full document can be found here.

The Foundation Years website is a great site for learning about the Early Years Foundation Stage and this document -  Parents’ Guide to the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework will help you to understand how the EYFS works for your child.

The booklet: What to expect, when? provides guidance to your child’s learning and development in the early years foundation stage.

The Family Information Service (FIS)

The Gloucestershire Family Information Service (FIS) provide advice, guidance, support and information directly to families with children aged 0-19 (25 if the young person has a disability or additional needs) and the professionals who are supporting them.

They have a directory for local services and a range of targeted services are also available if more help is needed.

The Local Offer lists information about the support services available to children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities and their families

Early Help and Targeted Support is about getting timely and effective support to children, young people and their families who need it, and also focuses on how families can be supported to do things for themselves and build on their strengths.

Gloucestershire County Council

Their website gives loads of information about the funded free early learning and education for 2, 3 and 4 years olds; including the Achieving 2 Year Old funding and the 30 hours entitlement, as well as much much more. Visit it here.       


The Government website has a whole section on childcare and parenting so it’s worth having a look at.


Don’t forget us as a source of support! If your child attends a PATA member setting you are welcome to use all of our resources and support for free. So if you need advice or just a point in the right direction – contact us!

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