The PATA Management Team

Board of Trustees

PATA (UK) is a registered charity and therefore has a voluntary Board of Trustees (or committee members) which is made up of:

  • Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer and up to six other trustees.
  • Currently our Trustees are: Nicky Cranfield, Karen Heaton-Jones, Amy Williams, Derek Jones, Sean Allen and Honesty Walker

Our Board of Trustees is drawn from people with a variety of skills and knowledge from all parts of Gloucestershire and we always welcome new members who are elected at our AGM in January. They work closely with core staff at the PATA centre, and also line manage senior staff.

Together we are proud to be part of the leadership team at PATA. Here’s a little bit about who we are and what we do as we head up the growing PATA community.

Chair of Trustees

Nicky Cranfield

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Jade Craswell is PATA's CEO She leads all our staff teams; office based, tutors and our PATA Managed Group staff.

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